Calling all geeks and lovers of geekery! Matthew’s first foray into the realms of non-fiction writing will be launched as part of Vignette Press‘ Geek Mook launch on Friday the 13th of July. For everyone who doesn’t know, Vignette Press is and Independent publishers sepcialising in Mooks, which are a hyrbid of magazine and book. Previously publishing Sex Mook and Death Mook, and currently putting together Fat Mook, the next launch is in celebration fo the geek!
Costumes are optional, and as of yet Matthew has not revealed any plans to dress up. We hear he’s considering going as Inspector Gadget though. Frankly, we think he should go as a Torchwood Weevil.
Watch this space for a geekstastic launch line up, and there’ll be free entry to Mr McClelland’s Finishing School, a retro and indie dance party afterwards if you stick around!