Tag: eBooks

Better with Bacon – Touring the Blogosphere

Recently, I’ve been popping up all around the internet doing guests posts as part of a blog tour for my new Novella, Better with Bacon. The story itself follows David and Patrick: two best friends who have the chance to deepen their relationship. There’s just the question of Patrick’s ex showing up in his life. …

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Better with Bacon

Genre: Fiction Sub-Genre: Contemporary Publisher: Dreamspinner Press When Patrick’s long-term girlfriend Li Ling dumps him just as he’s working up the nerve to propose, he ends up drunk on David’s couch—and later in David’s bed. Although initially reluctant to pursue anything beyond a one-time drunken tryst, David throws caution to the wind during an intimate dinner, …

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The Way You Are

The Way You Are Genre: Fiction Sub-Genre: Contemporary, Humour Publisher: Dreamspinner Press After being attacked for standing up for equality, Travis “Rook” Rookford falls into a coma. At his bedside sits fellow student Leon Capper, there to keep his new hero company. Instead he finds a boyfriend in nurse Warrick Kwok. When Rook wakes with amnesia, …

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Matt’s Back–and Reading from The Way You Are

Matthew would like to apologise for the lack of updates here at Matthew-Lang.com, it’s been a rather stressful time over here–Matt’s been struck down with Bronchitis and then moved house. When we say moved, we mean bought and renovated, so it’s been a while since he’s managed to anything except get well and stress about …

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More than Romance: Kendall McKenna

Recently Matthew had a bit of a chat to Kendall McKenna, writer of military and military werewolf stories about her books and writing, which in her own words, is about a lot more than just romance. He started by asking her why she wrote: Kendall: I write because I’ve always had stories in my head. …

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Guest Post: What if the Gods Walk Among Us? – M. A. Church

Cupid (Latin, cupido, meaning “desire”) in Roman mythology is the god of desire, affection, and erotic love. His Greek counterpart is Eros, but Cupid is also known in Latin as Amor (“Love”). Many names for one person, right? Eros appears in Classical Greek art as a young-looking, slender-winged youth who is often depicted as being …

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Pre-Order ‘The Way You Are’ Today!

It’s nearly here. I’m going over the final galleys now and the novella should release on the 2nd of January 2013 (well, the 3rd for us Aussies given  Dreamspinner works on American time). You can Pre-Order the eBook now for $3.99, or $2.99 if you catch the Christmas sale. And because it’s Christmas, here’s an …

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Matthew Lang’s Screens: Standalone and Extra Special

Matthew Lang’s short story Screens is now available on Amazon.com. We’ve convinced Matthew to do an experiment, and put it up on Kindle Select, and in celebration of National Novel Writing Month, we’re making it free for the next 3 days.  That’s the 1st to the 3rd of November, and it’s available right now. To …

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Screens Cover Art, Sashimi and Halloween

Screens Cover

Well, I’m back after a week and a half away and I’m already behind on everything. On the bright side, I’ve managed to get quite a bit done, not the least of which done with my input and someone else’s effort: the new cover art that will soon grace the stand-alone ebook of my short …

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Visiting Sydney

It’s been a while since I went anywhere–near on a year actually–and I decided it was high time I had a holiday. And if I could work some actual work in with it to justify the trip to myself and the tax office, so much the better. As it turns out, my ebook cover artist, …

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