Matthew Lang Live: Other Worlds of Radio

Matthew Lang will be live on blog talk Radio’s Other Worlds of Romance net radio show on the 16th of January @ 11 PM(American Eastern Standard time), or the 17th of January @3 PM Australian Eastern Standard time.  He’ll be reading an excerpt from The Secret of Talmor Manor, and will also be available for questions. He’ll also be giving away an ebook copy of the novel to one lucky listener.
So if you’d like to hear him read live, win a book, or just ask a really embarrassing question, tune in and chat to one of the hottest young authors on the m/m scene!

Technical details: You can listen live at the the show’s website, call in to the show (see webpage) to lodge a question or head to the show’s chatroom. Basically, come hang out and immerse yourself in mystery.

