Tag: travel

Screens Cover Art, Sashimi and Halloween

Screens Cover

Well, I’m back after a week and a half away and I’m already behind on everything. On the bright side, I’ve managed to get quite a bit done, not the least of which done with my input and someone else’s effort: the new cover art that will soon grace the stand-alone ebook of my short …

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Scissor Sisters-Magic Hour Tour. Sydney 27th September Sydney

NB: This review was originally published at SameSame “I’m not objectum sexual but I am objectum-curious,” Ana Matronic shouts from the stage to the delight of the audience. “And if there’s one building I’d want to do, it’s the Sydney Opera House! So to be inside her tonight…” The Scissor Sisters in concert were both …

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National Young Writers Festival–Or What I did last Weekend

The first thing I have to say is the NYWF was awesome, and everyone should go next year. The second thing I have to say is that respiratory illnesses are much less awesome, especially when they hit two days after returning. I seem to have come down with a probably-not-flu-flu-like viral infection, and although I’m no …

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In Newcastle

So I’ve arrived in Newcastle, avoiding the weather chaos in Melbourne, which I understand has stranded a number of NYWF artists there. Sadly, the crazy weather has also reached us in Newcastle, and it almost feels like Melbourne up here–four seasons in one day. Seriously looking forward to meeting even more awesome people, and getting …

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